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LED Protect

By using LED Protect you provide your plants with maximum protection against the negative effects of stress. The result is maximum plant development during all phases of development, giving you more weight production per plant.

Effects of LED Protect:

  • Stronger plant resistance system
  • Better protection against stress (pesticides, heat, cold, fungi, molds, mosaic virus, etc.)
  • More vitamin C
  • High efficiency of photosynthesis
  • Stimulates the production of flowering hormones
  • More flowers/fruits
  • Faster development and heavier fruit
  • Prevents light oversaturation caused by too much light
  • Protects against dangerous UV radiation
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.000 Kgs
Price: €33.23
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LED Protect
LED Protect

LED Protect protects your plants from the negative effects that can occur when using LED light sources for growing plants. The use of LED Protect provides plants with maximum resistance to all forms of stress and leads to buffering of the growing medium in the entire spectrum of (micro)elements. LED Protect contains natural elements in a directly digestible form and for this reason any deficiencies that could accompany cultivation are avoided. The organic molecules in LED Protect also play the role of coenzymes, which ensures the activation of the enzymes. The presence of stabilized salicylic acid allows optimal management of the plant's resistance system. The use of this hormone induces a state of maximum heightened readiness for protection by the plant. LED Protect protects plants from both abiotic (heat, cold) and biotic (mites, fungi) threats. Plants produce more vitamin C, which increases the concentration of pigments including betalain and anthocyanin. These substances act as a filter for the plant, protecting it from the harmful effects of UV radiation, which is a common component of LED light.

By using LED Protect you provide your plants with maximum protection against the negative effects of stress. The result is maximum plant development during all phases of development, giving you more weight production per plant.

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