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€2 - €68


The 'Seeds' section offers a wide selection of seeds for every gardener - from amateurs to professionals.

Enjoy a variety of vegetable, flower and herb seeds grown with attention to quality and sustainability.

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Decorative (10)

Herbs and Spices
<p>The 'Herbs and Spices' section offers a variety of aromatic and medicinal herb seeds. Grow your own collection of fresh herbs for the kitchen or for medicinal purposes in the comfort of your home or garden.</p>

Herbs and Spices (22)

<p>The 'Vegetables' section offers a wide selection of vegetable seeds which are ideal for any gardener wishing to grow healthy and fresh vegetables at home.</p>

Vegetables (44)

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Common Mentha - Jojen (Mentha spicata) 2500 seeds (0.2g)

Peppermint - Jojen Seeds: Freshen up your garden and kitchen with our Jojen seeds. Known for its stimulating aroma and numerous culinary uses, it is easy to grow and perfect for any herb corner.


Bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) - 5seeds

Bay leaf seeds - the beginning of your aromatic garden. Grow your own bay leaf, known for its unique taste and aroma, which is an indispensable part of many culinary masterpieces.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) - 750 seeds (0.75g)

Lavender - magic in color and aroma. We offer high quality lavender seeds that will bring a soothing atmosphere to your home and garden with their beautiful violet flowers and distinctive aroma.


Oregano ± 7.500 seeds (1g)

Oregano - aromatic and perennial herb, popular in cooking. We offer high-quality oregano seeds that will enrich your herb garden and bring a Mediterranean flavor to your kitchen.

Mexican Honey - 15 seeds - Tomato

Tomato variety "Mexican Honey"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 15 seeds.

Banana Legs - 15 seeds - Tomato

Tomato variety "Banana Legs"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 15 seeds.

Green Zebra - 25 seeds - Tomato

Tomato variety "Green Zebra"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 25 seeds.

Brazilian Beauty - 15 seeds - Tomato

Tomato variety "Brazilian Beauty"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 15 seeds.

Green Giant - 10 seeds - Tomato

Tomato "Green Giant"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 10 seeds.

Heart of the Bull - 25 seeds - Tomato

Buffalo Heart Tomato

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 25 seeds.

Ballerina - 15 pcs seeds - Tomato

- rich in vitamins and minerals; - essential for the normal functioning of the body; - the thinnest crust; - juicy and tender pulp; - attractive aroma. Each package contains 15 seeds.


Pink tomato - 15 seeds - Urban Botaniks

- rich in vitamins and minerals; - essential for the normal functioning of the body; - the thinnest crust; - juicy and tender pulp; - attractive aroma. Each package contains 15 seeds.

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