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€2 - €68


The 'Seeds' section offers a wide selection of seeds for every gardener - from amateurs to professionals.

Enjoy a variety of vegetable, flower and herb seeds grown with attention to quality and sustainability.

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Decorative (10)

Herbs and Spices
<p>The 'Herbs and Spices' section offers a variety of aromatic and medicinal herb seeds. Grow your own collection of fresh herbs for the kitchen or for medicinal purposes in the comfort of your home or garden.</p>

Herbs and Spices (22)

<p>The 'Vegetables' section offers a wide selection of vegetable seeds which are ideal for any gardener wishing to grow healthy and fresh vegetables at home.</p>

Vegetables (44)

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"Erotica" PEPPERS / Massimos Erotica - 10seeds

"Erotica" PEPPERS / Massimos Erotica - set of 10 seeds. Plant and grow your own unique 'Erotica' pepper garden with this set of 10 quality seeds. The perfect choice for gardeners who like to experiment with new and interesting species, these peppers will add vibrancy and flavor to any dish.


PEPPERS "Naga Morich" / Naga Morich - 15seeds

Naga Moric peppers are one of the hottest peppers in the world, originating from Bangladesh. This pack contains 15 seeds perfect for growing at home or in the garden. The seeds promise a rich harvest of peppers with an intense hot taste, suitable for preparing a variety of spicy dishes.

Pimientos de Padron - 25seeds

"Padron" peppers / Pimientos de Padron - package of 25 seeds. Perfect for cooking and baking, these peppers offer a surprising variety of flavors, from sweet to mildly hot. Perfect for any culinary experiments.


PEPPERS "Chili Etna" / Peperoncino ETNA - 25seeds

Peppers 'Chili Etna' / Peperoncino ETNA - grow a flame in your garden with these dazzling red and hot peppers. We offer you a pack of 25 seeds to create your own 'Etna' peppers that are as hot as they are beautiful.


PEPPERS "Pineapple Ghost" / Pineapple Ghost - 10seeds

'Pineapple Ghost' PEPPERS - Add an exotic feel to your garden with these unique flavored peppers. The pack includes 10 seeds that will produce fruit with a complex flavor combining the hotness of 'ghost' peppers with hints of pineapple.

PEPPER "Thunder Mountain Longhorn" / Thunder Mountain Longhorn - 15seeds

'Thunder Mountain Longhorn' PEPPER - Strikingly long and mildly hot, these peppers are the perfect choice for lovers of exotic varieties. The pack contains 15 seeds that will grow long and elegant fruits, perfect for baking, pickling and garnishing dishes.

PEPPER Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Trinidad Scorpion Moruga) - 5seeds

PEPPER Trinidad Scorpion Moruga - challenge your senses with one of the hottest peppers in the world. This pack contains 5 seeds to grow the remarkable and hotly spicy Trinidad Scorpion Moruga.

CHINESE RADISH Magnet (Magnet) F11 gr

CHINESE RADISH Magnet F1 - introduce an Asian flavor to your kitchen with these hybrid seeds. Available in a 1 gram pack, ideal for growing crisp, juicy radishes with fast growth and excellent taste.

Cherry Tomato "Blue Berries" / Blue Berries - 10seeds

Cherry Tomato 'Blue Berries' - bring unique color and flavor to your garden with our seeds. The package includes 10 seeds for growing attractive blue cherry tomatoes, known for their sweetness and nutritional value.


Tomato giant "Behemoth King" 15seeds

Tomato giant 'Behemoth King' - grow incredibly large tomatoes with our seeds. This tomato variety was chosen for its huge size and density. Included in the package are 15 seeds that promise impressive fruit for your garden.

Tomato "Brown Derby" 15seeds

Tomato 'Brown Derby' - discover the unique taste of these gourmet tomatoes with our seeds. The package includes 15 seeds that will give you access to ornate and fragrant tomatoes with an attractive dark brown color.


Tomato "White Buffalo Heart" 15seeds

Tomato 'White Buffalo Heart' - discover the taste of the rare and aromatic tomato with our seeds. Each packet contains 15 seeds ready to grow juicy and fleshy fruits with a unique creamy white color and sweet taste.

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